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2006 XYZZY Awards Ceremony Transcript

On March 4th, 2006, at 5:00 P.M. EST (11:00 P.M. GMT), the XYZZY Awards Ceremony was held at ifMUD. Below is the transcript of the event, not including side-comments that those in attendance made on the #peanut-gallery channel. Should you wish to see those comments, a version with those comments is also available.


lpsmith says, "And we're nearing the end! Next up: The nominees for 'Best Writing', with your once-again host, inky."
Eluchil exclaims, "Yay, inky!"
Kelby claps.
djfletch exclaims, "yay writing!"
Emerald claps.
inky says, "well, I think we all agree on the importance of writing"
inky says, "or, to put it another way,"
inky says, "o->-< ~~~ ! :( :( :("
Rob says, "ha ha ha"
lpsmith laughs.
inky says, "the nominees for Best Writing this year are ..."
inky says, "Delightful Wallpaper, by Andrew Plotkin!"
Eluchil claps
Ben applauds.
Kelby cheers.
kate claps
Emerald cheers.
a_magical_me claps
inky says, "Floatpoint, by Emily Short!"
Rob claps
Eluchil claps
inky says, "Legion, by Jason Devlin!"
Emerald applauds
McMartin cheers
Baryon claps
Rob claps
Eluchil claps
Kelby applauds mightily.
Ben claps.
olethros says, "ole!"
Emerald claps.
lpsmith cheers
inky says, "Pantomime, by Robb Sherwin!"
Rob says, "legion is now the underdog and I have to root for it"
Kelby exclaims, "Yeah!"
djfletch shouts.
Ben cheers.
Rob claps against the wind
Emerald claps.
Baryon applauds politely
inky says, "and The Baron (a.k.a. De Baron), by Victor Gijsbers (although really the aka is hardly necessary by this point in the program)"
Eluchil claps silently
Kelby claps.
Eluchil claps
Ben claps.
Emerald claps.
(From Rob) Pantomime Princess Margaret applauds silently
VictorGijsbers says, "Was it ever? :)"
djfletch de claps
lpsmith says, "Yay cut-n-paste."
Merk exclaims, "Yay nominees!"
inky says, "and the winner is --"
inky asks (of envelope), "?"
envelope exclaims (at inky), "!!"
inky asks (of envelope), "???"
envelope says, "oh, fine"
inky says, "Delightful Wallpaper, by Andrew Plotkin!"
Rob >-< :;;; ::
Eluchil claps
Kelby says, "Poor Legion."
Emerald says, "Yay DW"
McMartin o/
nm claps on
Merk says, "Congrats, post-ceremony."
olethros says, "hooray"
lambda wakes up from his nap, cheers wildly!
DarkStar cheers!
lpsmith cheers!
olethros says, "now I am curious"
McMartin \o/
djfletch exclaims, "the writing on the wall!"
Ben applauds loquaciously.
Kelby cheers anyway.
a_magical_me claps
Recchi exclaims, "Congrats, Andrew!"
Rob plays back a recording of when he clapped earlier for zarf winning
Gunther says, "! ! ! ! ! ! !"
eileen applauds enthusiastically
lpsmith adds zarf's new trophy to the pile.
lpsmith says, "Well, it comes down to this."
Rob says, "!!!"
Gunther summons the cleaning robot

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